Thursday, January 7, 2010

Displaying Memories

Before digital cameras happened I feel like it was more normal to have your pictures developed and you had tons of photo albums laying around the house. Digital cameras changed everything, at least for me, all of my photos are on my computer and never looked at. I love looking at peoples photos as they share a timeline of the family, happy moments, and art. One of my favorite things is filling walls with lots of memories and mixing with different frames and art pieces. Here are some inspiring walls with tons of memories that I wanted to share.

Here's a tip for hanging many picture frames. Cut out paper the same size as the frames and place them on the wall before hammering nails all over the wall. Also be creative with your frames, different shapes, sizes, and textures always make it more original.

Be creative every day~ Rae Rae


  1. Rae! Will you come do this at my house!? I have always wanted to and i have tons of pictures, but i scared. I dont know where to start. So, get your little okole on a plane to maui. we need you here. (:

  2. LOVE all the photos, especially the first one! i ripped it out of my magazine. :) the big doggie in the third one is so sweet.

  3. yes cc i will help you when i come home!!!! Yah steph I love that one too, actually i LOVE that whole house!
