It's always funny to see what everyone's take is on Valentines Day. Some people love Valentines Day and plan these spectacular days while others think its just another made up holiday to make more money on. Well I say its both! I love Valentines day because it gives you a chance to do something special for someone you care about boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, and anyone else. I love making homemade cards and little gifts for my girlfriends but yes it is a total money making day that can get pretty ridiculous. Any who, here are some great ideas that I LOVED and make me feel gitty inside.
I was browsing on one of my favorite sites etsy and found this Love and Sonet print that was just to adorable!
OK Martha seriously I LOVEEEEE these and are going to attempt to make these. These are conversation heart cookies packaged in cute bags that are sewen shut!
If you haven't noticed I'm little Miss. Fairytale Princess type of girl so naturally I let out a big, "ahhhh," when I saw this card on etsy.
I hope you enjoyed some of my favorite Valentines ideas but one last thing before I go.
I know most of us girls love sappy love sayings and you boys need help in that area sometimes, here are some of my favorite love sayings. They will make you want to hug someone!
Notes to Loved Ones..........
Love is the greatest refreshment in ones life - Picasso
You call it madness but I call it Love. -Don Byas
Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, loves gives us a fairy tale. - Gieselle Viera
Patience with others is love, patience with self is hope, patience with God is faith. - Adel Bestavros
Where there is great love, there are always miracles. - Willa Carter
My love for you is a journey: starting at forever and ending with never.
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. - Alfred Tennyson
I hope that inspires you to go love on someone and give them a hug and kiss!
Be creative every day ~ Rae Rae
wow that martha makes me feel inspired everyday all day but not as much as you rae! in honor of your blog i will try to be creative every day.